Monday, July 11, 2011

More things I have Learned while in Scotland

There were so many things I learned while in Scotland....mostly stemming from new vocabulary words. Adding to my first "things I learned in Scotland" post, here are a few more.

1. It doesn't get dark in Scotland until about 11:00 and by 5:30 in the morning it is bright and sunny again. This picture was taken outside of our hotel room in Stirling around 9:30 at night with NO FLASH!

2. For some reason, hairdryers are stored in desk drawers and sometimes they are even bolted down.

3. A few more new words....nappies = diapers, exits = way out, chicken fingers = chicken goujons,
carts = trolleys, plates/dishes = crockery, and bus lanes = bus stands

4. One of my favorite things about many of the pubs was how they presented their condiments. All of them were in packets in buckets on your table. They all looked like little ketchup packets except they were different colors and each one had a picture on the back of it that kind of told you what the condiment was made from or what it was used for. For example, on the back of the ketchup packet was tomatoes and on the back of the mayonnaise packet was eggs. I had fun one night lining them all up. :)

5. When ordering food at a pub, a waiter does not seat you or come to your table to take your order. Instead, you find a seat, look at the menu and then go up to the bar to place your order. You also pay for it when you order it. Sometimes a waiter would bring it to you and other times you would have to go get it. It was quite nice because a)you could order when you were ready, b)you didn't really have to worry about a tip, and c)when you were done, you were free to go.

6. Steve's favorite pubs were the ones where none of the chairs at a table matched. :)

7. They really like spiral staircases in Scotland. I am pretty sure every staircase that we used was a spiral one. I guess this is to conserve space. They were fine when we didn't have to go very high, but it could make you pretty sick and dizzy when you had to walk up 300 of them.

I am sure more things will come to me as I continue writing posts. Until then, look for Day Five to be posted later tonight or tomorrow. I am slowly but surely getting through all of our pictures! :)

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