Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Out of the mouth of NOLAN

For Christmas, Nolan got some new clothes (among LOTS of toys). He just keeps growing taller, and his current pants and jeans are starting to get too short for him. The particular pair of pants that he got came with one of those belts that Kindergarten teachers hate because it means that they will need help unbuckling to go to the bathroom and then help again buckling. Sorry Mrs. Lane! :) At dinner last night, the following conversation ensued:

Me: Nolan, did Mrs. Lane or Mrs. Kunkel have to help you with your belt today?
Nolan: No
Me: Well then how did you get your pants off and on to go to the bathroom?
Nolan: I just pulled really hard until my pants came off and then pulled really hard to get them back on.
***quick aside: must be nice to be so little that you can get your pants on and off WITHOUT unbuckling your belt :)
Me: oh
Nolan: (looking down and noticing that the his pants were unbuttoned...belt was still tight) I bet they came off because my pants were unbuttoned.
Me: Well, why didn't you button them back?
Nolan: I was just so... busy working I didn't have time.
Me: Man, that Mrs. Lane must work you hard if you didn't have time to button your pants.
Nolan: Well, I didn't know they were unbuttoned.

Too funny!!!

1 comment:

  1. I love this age! Colby says this sort of thing all the time and just makes me giggle. I have to be careful because he doesn't like it if we laugh. Right now my favorite thing he does is call everything by its full name. It cannot be just the wrestling game or Smackdown it has to be "WWE Smackdown versus Raw 2011." He does it with everything. And if you say it wrong (meaning the shortened version) then he will correct you.
